Ensuring Your Child’s Future: A Guide to Understanding Child Maintenance
Child maintenance is a legal responsibility for both parents to financially support their minor child, regardless of their relationship status. This obligation remains even if a parent remarries or enters a new relationship. Key Aspects of Child Maintenance Legal Duty: Both parents must contribute to the child’s needs, including food, clothing, housing, education, and healthcare. […]
Secure your love story with a prenup
When envisioning your dream wedding, couples often focus solely on romance and festivities, overlooking the legal aspects that can protect their interests and provide long-term security. This is where Swemmer & Levin comes into play. We can help you draft an antenuptial agreement that can bring numerous benefits and provide you with peace of mind. […]
Eiendomsreg van onroerende goed na ’n egskeiding
Wanneer word ’n eggenoot wat geregtig is om ’n halwe aandeel in onroerende goed te ontvang, die eienaar van daardie halwe aandeel? Word die halwe aandeel van onroerende goed met die toekenning van ’n egskeidingsbevel dadelik toegestaan, of verkry ’n eggenoot ’n persoonlike reg om formele oordrag in die aktesregister te eis op grond van […]
Vyf vrae om jou huisverhouding reg te kry
Ten spyte van die onlangse rentekoersverhoging het Suid-Afrika tans steeds ‘n sogenaamde “kopersmark”, waar eerstydse huiskopers die geleentheid het om baie vroeër as wat hul finansiële situasie in vorige jare sou toegelaat het, die eiendomsmark te betree. Die gevolg is dat baie eerstehuiskopers nou betrokke is by belangrike finansiële besluitneming en jy benodig eintlik ‘n […]
Grondwetshof besluit lewensvennote is gades vir intestaatopvolging
Lewensvennote kwalifiseer nou vir intestaatopvolging Die Grondwetshof het onlangs, na die Oktober 2020 uitspraak van die Wes-Kaapse Hooggeregshof, bevestig dat artikel 1(1) van die Wet op Intestaatopvolging ongrondwetlik is indien dit lewensvennote in ‘n verhouding wat bedoel is om permanent te wees, uitsluit, volgens die definisie van “gade”. Die hof het beveel dat die parlement […]
Maintenance and children not born from a marriage
First things first, the woman claiming child support for a child born out of wedlock must prove paternity. In Sager v Bezuidenhout it is clear that both parents must contribute to the minor child’s needs and expenses. These expenses include any reasonable expenses that are considered in the best interest of the child, whether it […]
Gebruiklike huwelik geldig verklaar in vrouens se geskil
Die gewig wat gebruiklike huwelike dra, is weereens beklemtoon tydens ‘n regsdispuut tussen twee weduwees. Albei vrouens het beweer dat hulle wettiglik met hul nou-oorlede man getroud was. Die eerste vrou het verklaar dat sy ingevolge gewoontereg in 1991 met haar man getrou het. Die tweede vrou het verklaar dat sy die “ware vrou” is […]
Customary union declared valid in wives’ dispute
The weight that customary marriages carry was highlighted once again during a legal wrangle between two widows. Both “wives” claimed that they were legally married to their now-deceased husband. The first wife stated that she married her husband in 1991 in terms of customary law. The second wife stated that she was the “true wife” […]
Grandparents’ rights over their grandchildren
There can be no doubt that grandparents, more often than not, are intimately involved in their grandchildren’s lives and upbringing, and they provide care. But what happens when they are denied access to and contact with their grandchildren? Despite the generally recognised importance of the role grandparents play in the lives of many children, not […]