Understanding Estate Massing in Community of Property Marriages
In community of property marriages, spouses often combine their estates, or mass their estates, to ensure that certain assets go to specific beneficiaries. This is done while still ensuring the surviving spouse’s welfare and protecting assets from being misused after the first spouse passes away. This article will explain the necessary conditions for this estate […]
The Omission of a Single Word Can Lead to a Will Being Contested
The contents of an “inelegant and very badly drafted” will were recently the subject of a dispute in the South Gauteng High Court, in the matter Strauss vs Strauss and Others. The plaintiff instituted action claiming that the joint will of his parents not only made provision for the situation where they died within 30 […]
Properly executing a will is extremely important
I gave instructions to my attorney to prepare a last will and testament for me as my will no longer reflected my wishes. At my request, my attorney emailed the will to me with clear instructions as to how I should go about signing it. I asked my neighbours to act and sign as witnesses. […]